2024 Annual Conference
Learning from the Districts
- Conservation Districts Partnering with Health Care and Social Service Sectors Willamette SWCD
- Clackamas SWCD’s Septic Repair and Replacement Program Clackamas SWCD
- Spanish Language Pesticide Legislation Hood River SWCD
Natural and Working Lands Fund Updates
- Stephanie Page and Alexa Schmidt, OWEB
- Troy Abercrombe, ODA
- Sarah Reif, ODFW
ODA Ag Water Quality Program
Collaborating with Tribes
Collaborating with Tribes.pptx
Wildfire Response, Recovery, Resiliency Panel
- Mike Hensley, Clackamas SWCD
- Jason Kessling, Harney SWCD
- Cassie Newton, Wheeler SWCD
- Herb Winters, Gilliam SWCD
Flow Restoration – A Brainstorming Session
- Spencer Sawaske and Andrew Spyrka, ODFW
- Brian Wolcott, OWEB
What is a TMDL and what does it mean for ODA SWCDs and Private Landowners
- Kevin Fenn, ODA
- Brian Creutzburg, DEQ